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Windows blue doesn't exist... Or does it?

Windows blue is expected to be the next major release of Windows (Windows 9 maybe). As expected, Microsoft denies everything but rumors has said the project has hit milestone 1. For Windows blue, we are expecting 2-3 milestones before the first customer preview. So far the project seems to be on track for a July/August release.

The speculation started mid-2012 when a ZDNet writer, Mary Jo Foley, announced to the world that Microsoft was already at work for the next release of windows. We don’t know if it will be called Windows 9 or simply a Service Pack to Windows 8 but we know that Microsoft wants to move away from larger releases every 3 years to a new annual release model.

Interestingly, we now hear rumors that Windows Blue will also include upgrades to Windows phone, Skydrive, and Windows server. Rumors come in all shapes and sizes: some claim Windows Blue will be simply tweaks to improve the Windows 8 experience while others have said it will use a new kernel to deliver faster response while consuming less power. Mary Jo Foley said it may even be offered for free to existing Windows 8 customers.

Did I mention there was a Microsoft job posting referring to blue?

Regardless of which rumor you believe, all the commentators seem to agree that the tiled start menu is here to stay.

Typically retailers and manufacturers use the back to school window as an opportunity to liquidate their existing products in preparation of the newer releases for the holiday period. Windows Blue will likely be released during this period or slightly after it. As a consumer, I need to upgrade my home computer but am waiting to see what hits the market after the back to school period. I expect to see thinner, lighter, more powerful devices and maybe a better version of Windows that is more user friendly?