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Share files of any size from a Mac for free

There are hundreds of free file sharing services littering the web but there is a new service [for Apple computers only right now] called Minbox that may be worth a second look.

Benefit 1 - No wait sharing

The issue with every other service is that they force your upload to complete before allowing you to send it to someone. Minbox allows you to configure the sharing info while the file upload which means you can get back to work while Minbox continues its magic in the background.

Benefit 2 - Faster Uploads

In addition to the share while uploading functionality, they claim to use secret compression technologies to make the upload twice as fast as its main competitors (cough.... Dropbox... Cough... Cough).

Benefit 3 - Files of any size

The service allows you to share files of any size. All uploaded files are kept on their services for 30 days (after which it is automatically deleted).

Benefit 4 - So much more

The service is well thought out and allows:

  • simultaneous uploads
  • converts raw to JPG automatically
    • creates a photo gallery if you upload multiple images in the same stream

Premium Option

They offer a premium version with unlimited file storage, better encryption but the free version should meet the needs of 90% of its users.

They are currently polling their users about other platforms the service should be made available on.