Insights For Success

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Top 10 Productivity Tips to Supercharge Your Day

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

TL;DR: Discover the top 10 productivity tips to help you supercharge your day, from prioritizing tasks to embracing self-care and refining your approach through reflection.

  1. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize tasks: The Eisenhower Matrix helps you categorize tasks according to their urgency and importance. Doing so lets you focus on what truly matters and delegate or postpone less crucial tasks.

  2. Divide large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks: Breaking large tasks into smaller sections will reduce their daunting nature and make them more achievable. In addition, completing small tasks gives you a sense of accomplishment, which keeps you motivated.

  3. Eliminate distractions by using the Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused, 25-minute intervals (Pomodoros) followed by a 5-minute break. By using this technique, you will keep your brain fresh, prevent burnout, and be able to maintain focus throughout the day.

  4. To achieve better focus, set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. With this approach, you can track your progress and have a clear sense of direction.

  5. Organize your workspace for efficiency: Maintain a clutter-free and well-organized workspace. As a result, distractions are minimized, and you can locate essential items more quickly, resulting in increased productivity.

  6. Use technology to manage and track your tasks: Use apps and tools such as Trello, Asana, and Todoist to keep track of your tasks. Staying organized and accountable is made easier with these tools.

  7. Delegate and collaborate: When possible, avoid micromanaging and delegate tasks to others. By collaborating with others, you can come up with innovative ideas, reduce your workload, and increase your productivity.

  8. Create a morning routine: Establishing a consistent morning routine prepares you mentally and physically for the day ahead. Exercise, meditation, or planning your day's activities can all contribute to this.

  9. Schedule time for self-care: Make it a priority to take care of your physical and mental well-being. Maintaining high energy levels and productivity requires regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep.

  10. Review and adjust: At the end of each day, evaluate your accomplishments and identify areas for improvement. As you continue to reflect on your approach, you can refine your system and increase your productivity over time.

Keywords: Eisenhower Matrix, task prioritization, Pomodoro Technique, SMART goals, workspace organization, task management tools, delegation, morning routine, self-care, reflection

Unlock Your Team's Potential: How to Motivate Employees for Success

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

Image Source: Unsplash‍

Employee motivation is an important factor in any business operation. It can have a positive effect on employee morale, productivity, and job satisfaction. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of motivating employees and provide some tips on how to do it effectively.

What is Employee Motivation?

Employee motivation is the process of providing incentives and rewards to employees in order to increase their performance and engagement. It is a key factor in employee retention and productivity. Employee motivation is a complex and multi-faceted process that depends on a variety of factors, such as job satisfaction, recognition, and rewards.

When employees are motivated, they are more likely to be engaged in their work, and this can lead to better performance, increased productivity, and higher job satisfaction. The key to motivating employees is to understand their needs, objectives, and goals and to offer rewards and incentives that cater to these.

Benefits of Motivating Employees

There are many benefits to motivating employees. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Increase in employee engagement: When employees are motivated, they are more likely to be engaged in their work, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and better performance.

  • Increase in productivity: Motivated employees are more productive, as they are more likely to go the extra mile in order to get the job done.

  • Improved morale: When employees are motivated and rewarded, they are more likely to be happy and satisfied with their work, which can lead to better team morale.

  • Improved customer service: Motivated employees are more likely to provide better customer service, as they are more likely to be engaged and attentive to customer needs.

Employee Motivation Statistics

Research shows that motivated employees are more productive and have higher job satisfaction. Here are some statistics to back this up:

  • According to a Gallup survey, only 13% of employees feel engaged at work.

  • According to the same survey, 68% of employees are not motivated to work.

  • According to the same survey, 25% of employees feel no connection to their work.

  • A study by the University of California found that motivated employees are 30% more productive than unmotivated employees.

  • According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 39% of employees feel that their job has a negative impact on their health.

These statistics show the importance of motivating employees and the need to create an environment that encourages motivation.

Understanding Employee Motivation

Motivating employees is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each employee may need different incentives and rewards in order to feel motivated. It is important to understand the individual needs of each employee in order to create an effective motivation plan.

Employees may need different incentives and rewards in order to feel motivated. These can include recognition, rewards, and other forms of motivation such as financial incentives, flexible working hours, or additional vacation days. It is important to understand the individual needs of each employee in order to create an effective motivation plan.

The Manager’s Role in Employee Motivation

Managers play an important role in motivating employees. They should be able to identify what motivates each employee and tailor rewards and incentives accordingly. Managers should also provide feedback and recognition to employees in order to show that their efforts are appreciated.

Managers should also create an environment where employees feel valued and respected. They should ensure that employees have the resources and support they need to do their job effectively. Furthermore, managers should provide employees with opportunities to grow and develop.

Common Employee Motivation Strategies

There are a variety of strategies that managers can use to motivate their employees. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Recognition: One of the most effective ways to motivate employees is to recognize their efforts and achievements. This can be done through verbal praise, awards, or other forms of recognition.

  • Rewards: Rewards are a great way to motivate employees. Rewards can be either monetary or non-monetary and should be tailored to each individual employee.

  • Flexible working hours: Flexible working hours can help to motivate employees, as it shows that the company is willing to accommodate their personal needs.

  • Training and development: Providing employees with training and development opportunities can help to motivate them, as it shows that the company is investing in their growth and development.

  • Supportive environment: Creating a supportive environment where employees feel valued and respected can help to motivate them.

How to Encourage Employee Motivation

Encouraging employee motivation is an important part of managing a team. Here are some tips to help you do this effectively:

  • Set clear goals: Setting clear goals and expectations will help to motivate employees and ensure that they are working towards the same objectives.

  • Provide feedback: Providing feedback on a regular basis will help to keep employees motivated, as it shows that their efforts are appreciated.

  • Offer incentives: Offering incentives such as bonuses or rewards can help to motivate employees and encourage better performance.

  • Show appreciation: Showing appreciation for employees’ hard work and dedication can help to keep them motivated and engaged in their work.

  • Create opportunities: Creating opportunities for employees to learn and develop can help to motivate them and show that the company is investing in their growth.

What Factors Motivate Employees?

When trying to motivate employees, it is important to understand what factors motivate them. Different employees may be motivated by different things, so it is important to tailor incentives and rewards to each individual. Here are some of the key factors that motivate employees:

  • Recognition: Employees want to feel appreciated and recognized for their hard work and efforts.

  • Autonomy: Employees want to feel like they are in control of their work and are able to make their own decisions.

  • Opportunities: Employees want opportunities to learn and grow in their roles.

  • Support: Employees need to feel supported in their roles and have access to the resources and tools they need to do their job effectively.

  • Rewards: Employees want to be rewarded for their hard work and efforts.

Getting the Most Out of Your Team

Managers should aim to create an environment that encourages employee motivation and engagement. Here are some tips to help you do this:

  • Create an open and collaborative atmosphere: Creating an atmosphere of collaboration, and open communication will help to foster motivation and engagement.

  • Foster a culture of recognition: Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and dedication will help to keep them motivated.

  • Provide resources: Providing employees with the resources and training they need to do their jobs effectively will help to keep them engaged and motivated.

  • Set achievable goals: Setting achievable goals will help to keep employees motivated and encourage them to reach their full potential.

  • Offer rewards: Offering rewards and incentives can help to motivate employees and encourage better performance.


Motivating employees is an important part of managing a team. It can have a positive effect on employee morale, productivity, and job satisfaction. By understanding what factors motivate employees and offering incentives and rewards that cater to these, managers can create an environment where employees feel valued and engaged.

With this blog post, we hope to have provided you some tips and advice on motivating your team for success. By taking these steps, you can unlock the potential of your team and create a motivated and productive workforce.

Keywords: employee motivation, incentives, rewards, employee retention, productivity, job satisfaction, employee engagement, team morale, customer service, management, feedback, recognition, autonomy, opportunities, supportive environment.

Meta Description: This article discusses the importance of employee motivation in business operations, highlighting its positive effects on employee morale, productivity, and job satisfaction. It provides insights into employee motivation, benefits of motivating employees, strategies for motivating employees, factors that motivate employees, and tips for encouraging employee motivation to help managers create an environment that encourages employee motivation and engagement.

Mindset and motivation hacks to help stay on track and get things done

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

Motivation and mindset are essential components of productivity. Motivation drives you to take action, while mindset refers to your attitude and perspective. Together, they play a crucial role in keeping you on track and helping you accomplish your goals. In today's fast-paced and demanding world, however, maintaining a positive attitude and high motivation can be challenging. Here are some mindset and motivational hacks you can use to stay focused and achieve your goals.

Set clear and specific goals

Setting clear and specific goals is one of the most effective ways to remain motivated. Focus and motivation are easier to maintain when you clearly understand what you wish to accomplish. In addition, there is evidence that setting specific and challenging goals can increase motivation and improve performance (Locke and Latham, 2002). Ensure that your goals are realistic, measurable, and time-bound to increase your chances of success.

Practice positive self-talk

It is your thoughts and beliefs that shape your mindset and determine your level of motivation. Negative thoughts, such as "I cannot do this," can result in low motivation and self-doubt. Conversely, positive self-talk, such as "I can do this," can boost your confidence and motivation. There is evidence that positive self-talk can improve performance and reduce stress (Meichenbaum, 1977).

Find your why

Motivation is often influenced by our why, or our purpose. Knowing why you are doing something makes it easier to remain motivated. Several studies have demonstrated that individuals with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to be motivated and achieve their goals (Emmons, 2007). Therefore, it is important to reflect on why you are working on a particular task or project and whether it is aligned with your values or goals.

Break tasks into smaller chunks

Breaking down large tasks into smaller portions can make them feel more manageable. Research has shown that chunking can increase motivation and improve performance (Azevedo and Aleven, 2008). It is easier to complete tasks by breaking them down into smaller steps and feeling a sense of accomplishment as you complete each step.

Reward yourself

You can increase your motivation by rewarding yourself for a job well done. Evidence shows that rewards can increase motivation and lead to better performance (Deci, Koestner, and Ryan, 1999). Take a moment to celebrate your accomplishment after completing a task or achieving a goal. It can be as simple as taking a short break or treating yourself to something you enjoy.


Keeping a positive attitude and high motivation levels is essential for staying on track and getting things done. You can increase your motivation and achieve your goals by setting clear and specific goals, practicing positive self-talk, finding your why, breaking tasks into smaller chunks and rewarding yourself.


  • Azevedo, R., & Aleven, V. (2008). Learning from examples: An effective way to support self-explanation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100(3), 715–730.

  • Deci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (1999). A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 125(6), 627–668.

  • Emmons, R. A. (2007). The psychology of ultimate concerns: Motivation and spirituality in personality. Guilford Press.

  • Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2002). Building a practically useful theory

keywords: productivity, mindset, motivation, goals, positive self-talk, purpose, chunking, rewards, performance, research, time management, focus, distractions, personal and professional goals, productivity tools, apps, motivation hacks, staying on track, getting things done, psychological bulletin, psychological concerns, motivation and spirituality in personality, locke and latham, building a practically useful theory.

Maximizing Productivity with the 5S Japanese Management Philosophy

Edward Kiledjian

The 5S Japanese management philosophy is a system for organizing and optimizing the workspace to increase efficiency and productivity. It was developed in Japan in the 1980s as part of its efforts to become more competitive in the global market.

The 5S methodology is based on five principles: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. These principles are designed to help individuals and organizations create a clean, organized, and well-maintained work environment.

Here is a more detailed explanation of each principle:

  1. Sort: The first step in 5S is to sort through all the items in the workspace and eliminate anything that is unnecessary. This includes items that need to be fixed, obsolete, or unnecessary.

  2. Set in Order: The second step is to arrange the remaining items in an organized and logical way. This includes creating designated storage areas for different items and clearly labelling them.

  3. Shine: The third step is to clean and maintain the workspace regularly. This includes wiping down surfaces, sweeping the floors, and taking care of any maintenance tasks that need to be done.

  4. Standardize: The fourth step is to create standard procedures and guidelines for maintaining a clean and organized workspace. This includes establishing routines for cleaning, organizing, and restocking supplies.

  5. Sustain: The final step is ensuring the 5S principles are being followed consistently and continually reviewing and improving the system.

One example of how to use the 5S methodology is in an office setting. By implementing the principles of 5S, an office team can create a more efficient and organized workspace, which can help to increase productivity and reduce stress.

Many resources are available online for more information on the 5S Japanese management philosophy, including articles, videos, and training programs. Some good places to start include the International Association for Lean Construction,, and the Lean Enterprise Institute.

Keywords:5S, Japanese management, productivity, organization, workspace, efficiency, International Association for Lean Construction, Lean Enterprise Institute

Boost Your Productivity: Why Friday Reflection Can Take You to the Next Level

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

In today's fast-paced business environment, it is easy to become absorbed in the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture. Therefore, reviewing your week on Fridays is a smart strategy to help you stay focused, reflect on your accomplishments, and make improvements. This blog post will explore what "review your week every Friday" means, why it works, two examples of how it can be applied at work, and scientific research to support it.

How does "Review Your Week Every Friday" work?

Taking the time to review your week every Friday is a productivity strategy that involves taking the time to review your progress over the previous week. This is a time for you to celebrate your success, identify areas for improvement, and plan for the upcoming week. A review of your accomplishments can provide valuable insight into what you are doing well and what needs to be changed in order to achieve your goals.

How does it work?

"Review your week every Friday" is an effective productivity strategy for several reasons:

  1. By reviewing your week, you are able to focus on what you have accomplished and what needs to be accomplished in the next week.

  2. Plan more effectively for the upcoming week by reflecting on your accomplishments and areas for improvement.

  3. By regularly reviewing your week, you hold yourself accountable for your progress and can take measures to correct any deficiencies.

An example of "Review Your Week Every Friday" in action

  1. Suppose you are a salesperson who must meet a weekly sales target. Every Friday, you should review your sales performance in order to identify areas for improvement and adjust your sales strategy for the following week.

  2. If you are a project manager, you might review the progress of your projects every Friday to identify any roadblocks or areas that require additional attention. In this case, you will be able to make any necessary changes to keep the project on track.

Research on the topic of "Review Your Week Every Friday"

The concept of "reviewing your week every Friday" is supported by scientific research. In a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, it was found that reflecting on your accomplishments can increase job satisfaction and reduce burnout. Harvard Business Review published another study which found that regularly reviewing your progress can help you achieve your goals and be more productive.

Keywords: productivity, Friday reflection, progress review, goal setting, scientific research.