Insights For Success

Strategy, Innovation, Leadership and Security


Faraday Bags: A Must-Have for the Privacy-Conscious Traveler

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

Discover the importance of digital security and privacy for travellers with our comprehensive guide on Faraday bags. Learn how they protect your devices from hacking, tracking, and external interference while you're on the go.

Travellers have become increasingly concerned about digital security and privacy in today's world of ever-evolving technology. Protecting electronic devices from external threats is increasingly important as we rely more heavily on them to store sensitive information and stay connected. Introducing the Faraday bag - a modern solution for safeguarding your digital life on the go. Here, we will examine the purpose and functionality of Faraday bags, their benefits for travellers, popular brands, practical tips for use, and potential disadvantages.

What Are Faraday Bags and How Do They Work? Known as signal-blocking bags, Faraday bags are designed to protect electronic devices from external interference, hacking, and tracking. A Faraday cage is a conductive enclosure that surrounds a device and is named after the 19th-century scientist Michael Faraday. The enclosure blocks all incoming and outgoing electromagnetic signals, such as Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, and cellular signals, ensuring your devices remain private and secure.

Benefits of Using Faraday Bags for Travelers:

  1. Faraday bags prevent unauthorized access to your devices by blocking signals and protecting sensitive information.

  2. Faraday bags provide additional protection for your devices in unfamiliar environments where you may not have control over network security.

  3. As far as tracking is concerned, Faraday bags help prevent unwanted tracking by blocking GPS signals.

Popular Faraday Bag Brands and Products:

  1. Mission Darkness: The Faraday bags offered by Mission Darkness are known for their high-quality materials and military-grade signal-blocking capabilities. Several unique features include a water-resistant exterior and a double-sealed enclosure.

  2. Silent Pocket: Known for its stylish and functional Faraday bags, Silent Pocket offers a selection of modern, durable leather and nylon bags. Its unique selling points include RFID protection and easy-to-use magnetic closures.

  3. EDEC: EDEC's Faraday bags offer industrial-grade signal-blocking performance and rugged construction. To provide increased protection, they use multiple layers of shielding materials.

Practical Tips for Using Faraday Bags:

  1. Using them in high-risk situations, such as when crossing borders or entering an unfamiliar public Wi-Fi network is recommended.

  2. Store devices inside the bag and seal them properly to ensure maximum signal blocking.

  3. It is important to keep in mind that using a Faraday bag will prevent you from receiving incoming calls, messages, or notifications. Please plan accordingly and inform your contacts if necessary.

Potential Drawbacks and Limitations:

Faraday bags provide protection against unwanted signals and potential hacking, but they have some disadvantages as well:

  • Inconvenience: You cannot access Wi-Fi, GPS, or other wireless signals when your devices are inside a Faraday bag. While your device is in the bag, you may miss important calls, emails, or notifications.

  • Loss of tracking features: If you lose your bag with your devices inside, you cannot use services like "Find My" to track them down, as the bag blocks the necessary signals.

  • Limited functionality: While your devices are in a Faraday bag, you cannot use location-sharing features or other wireless services that may be beneficial to your safety or convenience.

  • Frequent removal: Removing your devices from the Faraday bag frequently can be cumbersome and time-consuming, particularly if you need to access them frequently.

  • Signal-blocking effectiveness: The effectiveness of a Faraday bag in blocking signals may vary depending on its quality and the strength of the signals in the surrounding environment

A Faraday bag is an essential digital security measure for privacy-conscious travellers. In unfamiliar environments, they protect sensitive information and privacy by blocking signals and protecting electronic devices against interference, hacking, and tracking. Even though there may be some drawbacks and limitations to using a Faraday bag, the benefits far outweigh the risks. Consider investing in a Faraday bag to protect your digital life when planning your next trip.

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Keywords: #DigitalSecurity #TravelSafety #FaradayBags #PrivacyProtection #SignalBlocking #TechTips #SecureTravel #GadgetSafety #MissionDarkness #SilentPocket #EDEC #AntiHacking #AntiTracking #TravelEssentials #TravelGadgets #TravelTech #StaySafe #TravelProtection #ElectronicsSafety #PrivacyMatters #TravelSmart #DataSecurity #SafeJourneys #TravelGear #WiFiSecurity #GPSProtection #RFIDBlocking #StayConnectedSafely #DeviceSecurity #TravelPrivacy #TravelPreparation #TravelersTech #Unhackable #NoTracking

Top 10 travel Safety and Security Tips for a Worry-Free Travel Experience

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

TL;DR: Discover essential travel safety tips, from researching your destination's culture and customs to securing transportation and protecting your valuables, for a worry-free and enjoyable journey.

  1. Prepare for your journey by researching your destination's culture, customs, and current events. As a result, you will be able to understand better potential safety concerns and the appropriate behaviour and attire to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

  2. Make digital copies of your passport, visa, and other important travel documents. Put them in a secure, password-protected cloud storage account or encrypted device. Physical copies should be kept in a concealed money belt or neck pouch.

  3. Ensure your transportation is secure and reputable: Avoid using unregistered taxis or ride-sharing services. Take public transportation or hire a reputable taxi or car service. Ensure you are familiar with the route and know how much the fare should be.

  4. Stay in touch: Share your travel itinerary with family or friends and details about your accommodations and daily schedule. Stay in touch with them regularly to keep them informed of your whereabouts. In an emergency, carry a fully charged phone with a local SIM card or a roaming plan.

  5. Stay alert and trust your instincts. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded or unfamiliar areas. If something feels wrong, remove yourself from the situation.

  6. Keep valuable items, such as jewelry and electronics, hidden to avoid attracting unwanted attention. Store your belongings in a slash-proof and lockable bag when you are on the go.

  7. Travel insurance covers emergency medical expenses, trip cancellations, and lost or stolen items. As a result, you will have peace of mind and financial protection in unforeseen circumstances.

  8. Take advantage of hotel safety features like in-room safes, deadbolts, and peepholes. Do not open your door to strangers, and always lock it. Ask the hotel staff about safe areas to visit and any areas to avoid.

  9. Use public Wi-Fi with caution. Avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive tasks such as online banking or accessing personal information. To ensure the security of your connection, you should use a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

  10. Prepare for emergencies by familiarizing yourself with local emergency numbers and the location of the nearest embassy or consulate. You should carry a basic first aid kit and any necessary medications. Know your evacuation routes in emergencies, such as natural disasters or political unrest.

Keywords : Journey preparation, Destination research, Cultural customs, Travel safety, Digital copies, Secure transportation

5 Tips to stay safe on social media

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

The use of social media is one of the most important tools we have for connecting with our friends and family. Unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous place if you are not careful. The following tips will help you stay safe when using social media.

  1. Ensure that you are aware of who you are connecting with - not everyone on social media is who they claim to be. Make sure to do your research and only connect with people you know and trust.

  2. Be careful what information you post online, such as personal details and photographs. Anyone can view any information you post online, so take precautions to protect your privacy and security.

  3. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity - if someone sends you inappropriate messages or attempts to obtain personal information from you, report them immediately and block them from further contact.

  4. Secure your social media accounts with strong passwords, and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

  5. You should be aware of scams - be careful when clicking on links or downloading files, as they may contain malicious content. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Keeping yourself safe while using social media is easy if you follow these simple tips. When interacting with people online, it is essential to remain vigilant and take precautions.

Keywords: social media safety, social media security, online safety tips.

Description: This article provides an overview of five tips to ensure safety when using social media.

Common hotel safety and security questions

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

When an operational security expert thinks about hotel risks, we typically group them in these buckets:

  1. physical security
  2. safety
  3. technological risk

Travel security means you need to think about potential risks you may be exposed to and how you could mitigate them.

What about room security?

First, think you should do when you walk into any hotel room is walk around and identify all potential ingress points. Make sure that they are locked (windows, sliding doors, doors to adjoining rooms, etc).

The front door is your primary risk and anytime you are in the room, you should always use all of the protection mechanisms made available to you (lock, hasp and deadbolt).

When travelling, I always carry a light and cheap Addalock to provide an additional level of safety.

If I'm going to sleep and believe that the risk level may be higher than normal, I will stack the glass cups (water and coffee) in front of the door so any attempted opening will cause them to fall and wake me up.

Are peepholes in hotel rooms really an issue?

The short answer is yes. There are inexpensive adapters that reverse the magnification of a peephole and allow a threat actor to watch you inside your room. I have even seen some with smartphone adapters so you can even record video.

Tip: If the peephole doesn't have a cover built-in, roll up some toilet paper and shove it in the peephole.

Is a hotel safer than an AirBNB?

This is a question I receive regularly and the answer isn't simple.

Most AirBNBs are located in non-descript residential buildings and therefore could allow you to blend in with the locals. Remember that you have to trust the Airbnb host. 

A hotel, on the other hand, is flashy and everyone knows where it is (forget about blending in) but these establishments typically have stronger better-designed security,

Hotels typically set up shop in safer neighbourhoods whereas an Airbnb can be anywhere.

You need to do some research and determine what your risk profile is and then determine which solution best meets your requirements. 

What should I look for before booking a hotel room?

In an emergency situation, you are ultimately responsible for your own safety. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Do your research before booking a hotel and the room. I generally want a non-biased third party to provide the below answers. If that is not possible then I try to stick to major Western chains that usually will be fairly honest with their answers.

  • Choose a hotel where the room locks are electronics. This makes it harder for previous guests or “bad guys” to have access to your room. Ask for 2 copies of the room key and keep both on you. If you misplace or lose one, immediately notify the hotel and have replacements made.
  • Make sure the room is equipped with a deadbolt lock and a peephole
  • Most of us do not pay attention to the hotel’s fire suppression system but trust me this one is important. Make sure your room is equipped with a smoke detector and that each room (and the hallways) have visible sprinkler systems. In many countries, the fire response teams are not as fast, well equipped or trained as in North America.
  • Make sure that the hotel environment is secure with proper fencing and that the guest areas are well lit (parking, hallways, ice rooms, etc).
  • Generally, I prefer hotels where the elevator leaving the parking area only goes to the lobby (and not directly to the rooms).
  • I try to make sure that any hotel I choose has adequate security personnel. I like to see uniformed security personnel that seem to be well trained and adequately equipped (in this case adequate depends on the area.) They should be willing to escort you to your room or vehicle if requested.
  • I recommend you contact the foreign affairs ministry of your country (DFAIT in Canada, US Embassy for the USA, etc). Ask them about the area the hotel is located in and determine how safe it is.

How do I ensure my stuff hasn't been tampered with?

If you have read my other articles, I talk about hotels being a prime target for intelligence gathering. Where possible, take all of your "stuff" (passports, money, electronics, etc) with you. Sometimes that isn't possible or desirable, so what do you do.

Make sure everything is turned off (not in hibernation or sleep mode).

Use discreet alignment of your "stuff" to detect if anyone has tampered with it. Discreet alignment means that everything has been placed in specific ways so you will detect the slightest movement. As an example, maybe you place a water bottle 1 thumb away from the USB port of your laptop. When you come back, you will immediately know if someone tampered with that port (if the alignment is off).

You can also use cardinal bearings (alone or with discreet alignment). Cardinal bearings are basically compass headings. So you place the protective item (coffee cup in front of the sensitive USB port) and make sure the handle of the coffee cup has a perfect bearing of north. You can also use pens or anything else that is easy to move.

Once you have set up your environment, take pictures of it with your smartphone camera.

If you are being tracked, make sure everything looks natural. You do not want anyone to suspect that you are laying traps.

Using the do not disturb sign

In security, we want as much advanced notification as possible that something is wrong. The trick here is to place the do not disturb sign on your door but to do it in a way that is unique but natural. As an example, instead of letting the sign just hang freely from the handle, you place the edge into the door frame so it is on a slight angle. To most people, it will seem like you left in a hurry and the sign justs got stuck in the door. If you come back and the sign is no longer on an angle stuck in the door frame (aka it is hanging freely), that means someone was in your room and that you should approach with caution.

Pokemon Go players targeted in robbery & police issue safety tips

GeneralEdward Kiledjian

Pokemon Go is an incredible phenomenon encouraging people to get outside, walk and socialize. For all its faults, it has tones of positive attributes. The challenge (and what keeps the game interesting), is the fact you never know where Pokemon are going to pop up. 

Here is the stampede that ensued when a rare Vaporeon Pokemon showed up in central park. Notice the guy that just leaves his car in the middle of the road and rushes in.

While its a great game, many get too enthralled in the game and forget to stay alert and aware of their surroundings. This is why we have heard of a handful of issues from injuries to theft. Now the Ottawa police are urging Canadians to stay alert after an attempted theft Wednesday (reported by the Winnipeg Free Press).

Police say a 24-year-old woman and a 23-year-old man were using their phones to play the augmented-reality game in the area near Ottawa city hall around 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday.

Ottawa police say two suspects approached the players and one of them grabbed the man’s phone and fled. They say the man ran after the suspect to an area where the suspect was arrested by military police, who turned him over to Ottawa police.
— Ottawa Police

Due to the unprecedented success of this game, police agencies have started blogging safety tips for players. The Regina Police have an interesting blog post

The Irving Police department released a hilarious Pokemon Go safety video

The moral of the story is go outside, have fun but stay alert.